Praise You: 1990s NBA Video Knockout

We’re back with our seventh selection of high-quality NBA endorsed advertisements brought to you during one of the greatest decades – the 1990s.

Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IVPart VPart VI

Six adverts have already gone through to the next; the latest being… Sir Charles telling the world he wasn’t a role model in his Nike advert.

Today sees a pair of former Pistons embracing their bad side, as Grant Hill takes pointers from Bill Laimbeer and Sean Elliot listens to his devil.

Bad Boy Pistons

Brilliant because… Fila plays on Hill’s ‘Mr Nice’ image by getting Laimbeer to help him be nasty.


Elliot’s Devil and Angel

Brilliant because… Sean Elliot plays himself, the devil and an angel. And despite having three bites at the cherry, his acting for all three is awful.


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