Sherrad Prezzie-Blue moves on

A mixture of both visa issues and injury ultimately led to Director of Basketball and Head Coach Paul James not to offer Prezzie-Blue a new contract for the 2013/2014 season. Prezzie-Blue spent two years with the Wolves, in his first year he averaged an amazing 17 points per game (PPG) and 5 assists per game (APG), following that up with 10 PPG and 3 APG in his second year – consisting of sixteen games.

Paul James had this to say about his decision:

“It was a difficult time for Prezzie last season at the Wolves. Visa issues meant that he didn’t arrive until a large part of the season had already gone, and things became even harder when he then picked up an injury after just a few games. Unfortunately this meant he had very little time to settle into his role with the team.

“Once Prezzie got back on court after recovering from his injury, other players had already got used to covering his position, meaning that both he and the rest of the players had a big adjustment to make in a very short time. Taking all that happened into account, a decision to explore other options at the point guard position was made.

“It was a tough decision not to ask Prezzie to come back. He has been a model player at this club, and also when he has represented the University side. I’m sure there are many teams who would like that sort of person in their setup.”

It is yet unclear as to Sherrad Prezzie-Blue’s future and what his playing career will offer him.