Riders Lamble loving life as captain

With the departure of Cameron Rundles in the off-season, the Leicester Riders captaincy was up for grabs heading into the 2012/13 season.

With all the honours that Olympic Men’s basketball team captain, Drew Sullivan, has won over the years, smart money would have been on him to lead the Riders through the season.

Which made the decision to award back-up centre Barry Lamble with the captaincy all the more surprising – not least for Lamble himself:

“It’s a big honour for me,” Lamble said. “It’s a club that’s been in the league for a numbers of years – it’s the longest serving club – so to be Captain of it…I’m really proud.

“When Rob came to me and said ‘I want to make you captain’, I said ‘ What about Drew?’ he said ‘I think it’s your time’.

Lamble’s new role as captain is a smart move by Coach Rob Paternostro: rewarding Lamble for his loyalty and service to the club while reminding Lamble that despite the acquisition of new big man, John Fraley, his presence is vital.

In fact, Fraley’s arrival has been welcomed by the ever-smiling Somersetonian, with battles in practice giving Lamble a challenge he hasn’t faced in almost a decade.

“Fraley is one of the strongest guys I’ve had to match up against in practice for ten years easily.

“I’ve got bruises, cuts, knocks, bumps – everything – all over my body from this guy but it’s not because he’s dirty, it’s because he plays physically. It helps my game and hopefully it will help his game when I battle with him.”

The likeable Lamble isn’t just handling things on the court in his new role as club captain. With the month of November coming up, Lamble is looking to get his team to participate in his favourite charity event: Movember.

“Movember? It’s a guarantee for me. No doubt,” Lamble said eagerly. “I’m hoping for a handlebar moustache.”

And as for who Lamble thinks will cultivate the best facial hair for the occasion?

“I’m thinking Jorge.”

Getting team-mates to grow moustaches for charity? Now THAT’S a captain.