Jordan’s Serial: White’s Tweets Sets Twitter Alight

There has been an outpouring of emotion over the last couple of days when the acquittal of George Zimmerman was announced. The neighbourhood watch man was cleared of second degree murder of youngster Trayvon Martin, and this led to lots of high profile names from the world of sport airing their views on the jury’s decision.

Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White was perhaps the most outlandish with his comments.

Understandably, White got some heat for this and had to backtrack a little.

Roddy White has one of the largest followings on the social networking site, so his views were catching the most of the attention. Having some time to think and away from the heat of the moment he finally had this to say.

If nothing else this shows that thinking before tweeting is a must, especially when you are a high profile sports star that may have an influence in how other people think.