EIHL Tweets of the Week: 22/10-28/10

It’s Week 3 of my headlong foray into the EIHL Twitterverse, and this week we find that things have calmed down again somewhat. Unspoken truces appear to have been called on the wars of words that raged in the previous week and we were back to sweetness and light in the lives of the players of the Elite League.

Let’s see what they got up to.

First the reaction from the Belfast Giants’ trip to Germany for the Continental Cup, as Captain Keefe reflects on his findings in Landshut.

You and me both, Keefer. Tylor Michel, meanwhile, is busy preparing for future parties over in Sheffield.

‘Tis the season to be… a pirate, apparently. Are they really that scary? I suppose when Tylor Michel is dressed as one they probably are, quite.

Robby Sandrock goes to the easiest school in the UK shocker.

Think even I could manage a pass in that class. Question 1: where is the bar? Messrs Sandrock and Keefe appear to have engaged in some serious Belfast-related soul-searching this week:

Why do I feel like I’m intruding on a deep and meaningful here?

Anyone ever imagine Panthers’ enforcer Guillaume Lepine as basically a big kid?

Can we?! Can we?! He’s SO not scary. Belfast’s Matt Towe provides a startling insight into the psychology of a dog this week.

The man has a point.

Braehead’s Sam Zajac: fashion icon.

Enough said. Coventry’s Sam Smith reveals his softer side this week.

The trust between a skater and his enforcer. It’s beautiful, man.

Back to Adam Keefe, who has learned some serious life lessons this week.

How the other half live! That’s a first world problem if ever I’ve heard one. Not so back in Coventry where it seems Gerome Giudice has been without power for two days.

Hockey players are nothing if not resourceful.

This week’s prize for Hockey Man Love™ goes to Matt Towe, who isn’t afraid to express his love for team-mate Davey Phillips.

D’aww. And finally, Coventry’s Dustin Cameron sums up a night to remember (or perhaps forget) in Cardiff’s Big Blue Tent.

A ‘barn burner’ – hockey player-speak for a mass post-game brawl. That’s good to know.

Thanks as always for reading and join me next week for more Twitterings from our lovely EIHL players.