Christmas with BBL player…Orlan Jackman

‘Christmas is here! Christmas is here! There’s reason to cheer! There’s reason to cheer!’ And over at, they’ve spoken to a collection of BBL stars from around the league about a range of festive-holiday topics from: where they will be spending Christmas, to what they’d get their coach for Christmas. has access to the full interviews with each player and over the coming days, will be posting them for your enjoyment.

Here is… the London Lions’ Orlan Jackman:

How will you be spending the Christmas period this year and what’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
My favourite things about Christmas is spending time with my family as my mum does a big breakfast and dinner and some Uncles and Aunts and cousins come over and it’s just great memories and so much jokes and fun. Family is the most important thing at Christmas for me.

It doesn’t matter whether you were a child or an adult; what’s been your best ever Christmas present?
The best present was something I did for somebody else. Last year I was the last year I was in America and while I was there, I hadn’t come home for Christmas once. So I saved up and bought a ticket home for Christmas! The objective was to surprise my mother so I told my brothers and sister and we all devised a plan so that when I got in, she wouldn’t know I was here until the time was right. When I surprised her, it was the best feeling I’ve had in a long time! Just the look on her face was enough enjoyment for me.

What presents have you asked for this year?
Good health for me, my friends and my competition.

What do you enjoy more: the giving or receiving?

Any Christmas traditions you’d like to share?
Going to my Grandma’s house on Boxing day for a huge feast that she makes starting on Christmas day! Ha ha I don’t know if that counts!

If you had to get your coach a Christmas present, what would you it be?
A BBL regular season Championship and a play-off one too.

And finally, what is your Christmas wish for the rest of the BBL season?
Good health and an injury free campaign and I look forward to playing against you all in the new year.